Black-browed Albatross

The Black-browed Albatross like many of the worlds albatrosses is unfortunately an endangered bird.  Its numbers are effected by fishing techniques in the southern seas and oceans and it has been the subject of many conservation appeals and campaigns with several conservation bodies including the RSPB.  During the  Falklands  spring months, they are found on several islands, indeed the Falklands are very important for these birds.  Over two thirds of the world population of Black-browed Albatross come ashore onto the Falkland Islands each year to raise their young. 

Black-browed Albatross can be found on several of the Falkland Islands especially the more rugged and remote.  They can also be seen fishing from the coast of many of the other Islands.  My images were all taken from Saunders Island which has several large colonies.