Snakes Head Fritillary

The Snakes Head Fritillary is an uncommon flower which is listed as scarce.  At a few key locations across Britain it can be found in very large numbers at a few sites where conditions are favourable in damp meadowland which has remained undisturbed for many years.  This is often hay meadows which doubles as land left for winter floodlands.  Often this land is managed specifically for these rare flowers and the hay is not cut until long after the Fritillarys have finished each year.

It is estimated that around 70 to 80% of the British Snakes Head Fritillary grows at North Meadow National Nature reserve in Wiltshire which covers 108 acres (which is about the area of 60 football pitches).  Each April the Fritillary comes into flower and numbers can vary from year to year but average over 500, 000 flowers each year.